Young Balally Players go boy-racing in April.

I spotted this little 'thing' about the up-coming production of my play and thought I might repost it here. Hope that's okay.

Young Balally Players go Boy-Racing in April.

Director Oran O'Rua is bringing a fairly recent play to the Mill Theatre Studio space in April with a very recently formed group of young actors within Balally Players.

The play is 'The Moon Cut Like A Sickle' by Ken Armstrong.

It's a drama written for a teenage cast and is centred around the theme of so-called 'boy-racing'.

The dialogue is fast paced and the writing gives ample scope to tap into the energy and drive of an enthusiastic group of young players.

That's exactly what Oran has assembled.

His rehearsal schedule is underway and the production opens in the Mill Theatre Studio at 8pm on Tuesday 15 April and runs until Saturday 19 April.

The Tom Waits song 'Romeo is Bleeding' has a line that gives not only the title of the play, but also commentary on the way a gang divides into watchers and doers, before and after the inevitable tragic consequence of its dangerous bravado is acted out.

"... and they all try to stand like Romeo beneath the moon cut like a sickle ..."

The play first came to the attention of Balally Players last summer when some members of the group participated in rehearsed readings as part of the The Drama League of Ireland (DLI) organised ‘New Irish Writing’ programme.

The playwright Ken Armstrong, who lives and works in Castlebar, Co Mayo was one of four writers who reached the final workshops in that programme.

'The Moon Cut Like A Sickle' was first performed by 'Do You Playhouse' in their native Castlebar, as well as in Sligo's Hawkswell Theatre. The theatre group is for young people aged 13 to 18 and was founded by Oisín Heraghty and Donna Ruane in 2003.

The Sligo production of the play was covered on RTE Radio in November 2006 and you can listen to the feature from 'The Eleventh Hour' here.

Those dates again are; Tuesday 15 April until Saturday 19 April. I'm hoping one of my favorite bloggers will be coming to review it (if her collarbone permits!) So watch that space... as well as this space, of course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You mean if the morning sickness allows ;)