But when Daisy The Curly Cat left the following comment, it got me thinking:
“::sniffs sadly::
I am sad that you do not like cats. Not all cats go potty where they are Not Supposed To Go.”
Firstly I was sad that I’d made Daisy sad because she’s a lovely cat with a great blog all of her own.
But secondly, it reminded me that I really like cats most of the time and have had many positive experiences with them too. One such experience was as follows:
What age was I? Ten, or eleven I think. Every day I used to walk my two dogs up along the riverside path. Laddie was a German Shepherd and Patch was a Springer Spaniel – bought as a gun dog but really never managed to do it very well.
There was a large open area at the end of the walk where the field ran down to the river. Nobody was around this particular day so I let the dogs run off and play a little.
Laddie made straight for the water. He jumped in, grabbed something small in his jaws and started to throw it around. I ran down to see.
It was a kitten.
I ordered Laddie back in and he came reluctantly, kitten still clamped in jaws. He gave it up when I told him to (he was such a good dog) and I was able to have a good look.
The kitten was half drowned, completely bedraggled and mewling pathetically. Still she seemed largely unharmed by Laddie’s rough treatment. I put her on my shoulder to keep the two dogs from antagonising her further.
Although I hunted all down along the river, I couldn’t find any more kittens. It is a harsh reality that unwanted litters had been known to be put in a sack with some rocks and then drowned in the river. I believe this kitten somehow escaped this awful fate.
She deserved a chance.
So I brought her home.
I carried her all the way on my shoulder and she cowered there, crying deafeningly in my ear all the way. The two dogs marched alongside and never once took their bemused eyes off my tatty little cargo.
Bringing the kitten home made me nervous. Mum was great but I didn’t think she’d take kindly to me dragging in a dripping stray after me. As a matter of fact, I didn’t quite know how to broach the subject at all. So, after I put the dogs in the back garden, I turned the steel dust bin lid upside-down on top of the bin at the side of the house and put the little kitten sitting in the bowl of this upturned lid. She sprawled there and started a miserable little puzzle. Then I went inside.
Mothers can spot furtive behavior within minutes.
“What’s going on?” She asked.
So I took her outside and showed her.
I expected her to be angry - I have no idea why, ‘angry’ was never her style - and I also expected to get a hard time. Instead she was all-over the poor kitten, getting her inside, warmed up, fed and generally ‘minded’.
A few days later, my granny heard of a neighbour of hers who was on the look-out for a nice cat. The kitten was duly brought over and she soon settled in with ease.
For years after, when visiting granny, I would occasionally see this sleek, proud cat stalking in the backyard nettles. The cat never acknowledged me and I never even got to know her name but I saved her life that day and it’s always felt great.
This story isn't really trying to say how I’m a great pet-lovin’ guy or anything.
It's just that thinking about this reminded me how differently I can sometimes feel about things from one day to another – cats for instance.
So apologies Dear Daisy, I hope this little - completely true - story, makes things up a little bit between us… I’ll still visit you regularly anyway.
You don’t have anything green you could wear someday? For us Irish, you know…
That's a lovely story - you did a wonderful thing. I think that Daisy will approve!
Well done, you. That's a story to be proud of.
I had a cat rescue moment too. I was walking by the Hogsmill river in Kingston with a friend when I saw a cat on the other side. It had obviously been in the quite fast flowing water but had managed to drag itself onto a tiny ledge in the stone wall that formed that river bank. But it was stuck quite a long way down and crying piteously. I rushed to the next bridge, hopped over the fence to the bank and back up to the cat. By lying down flat with my arm over the edge I was able to grab the cat by its neck fur and lift it up. Not sure how grateful it was because as soon as I set it down and let go, it legged it through the fence and into a residential street.
I think this brought out the "Daisy" in you! I mentioned once how my cat Sassy disdains me, Daisy showed me the way, simply share more treats with her. So, I do.
Deep inside, we all have a little "Daisy".
Awww... I'm sure Daisy will forgive you - she can be a real good sport!
Whatever got into you saying you'd kick a cat? Oh well, the cat universe just rained its wrath down upon you! lol I'm sure you've learned a lesson!
Anyway, you don't look like you'd even harm a fly, really.
Hope Daisy accepts your apology. :)
Aww, now there you go. (There is a cat-lover in all, they just need the right cat to bring it out). Good for you, Ken! Nice anecdote - and one I shall keep to heart.
Ok Ken, you're forgiven. lol Maybe not from Ms. Daisy (though I'm sure she will forgive you after a story like this) but at least from me... a cat lover.
I'm surprised it didn't acknowledge you but I suppose it was too young. Good on ye!
I think that is the nicest "sorry" I have ever read! I feel much betterer now. And, to prove there are no hard feelings, I have a special present for you:
I'm pleased to hear it! my 'personal assistant' Bailey will be happy too.
I think Daisy would be happy... ;) Awww...
Hugs hugs hugs
You even made my German Shepard smile.
Hi Lidian: Daisy has been most kind.
Jakill: There's something uplifting about helping out an animal in distress and their lack of gratitude somehow makes it better. :)
Hi Debbie: Share treats eh? (makes notes)
Dear Fitness Diva: It was more like the cat universe raining its wee down on me :)
Thanks Kat: You be well, eh?
Reggie Forgives Me! Yay! :)
And dear Daisy, it's all about you, thank you.
I have to post a link to that nice piccie you referred to - at the end of the post I asked if Daisy had anything in green - brace yourself, it's green all right!!:
'Daisy in Green'
Hi Jenny: Glad Bailey is on board. :)
Zyriana: I'm very fond of German Shepherds, glad he smiled.
What a lovely story, and what good dogs. But I do hope the cat was not named Lucky after all (the drowning being trauma enough!)
A double-happy ending is the best kind; the cat and neighbour sound like a match made in heaven. Thanks for sharing!
A sweet story that I bet made Daisy feel better :O)
Surely Daisy will forgive you. :)
A few months ago, I found a blind kitten with a crooked spine and tail on the neighbor's lawn... Let me know if any of your family's neighbors still want a cat...
I'd be willing to ship "Stevie" to Ireland... with food...green clothes, whatever they want...
I read your previous story with a smile...and I did the same with this one...
I am sure you have redeemed yourself!
I like cats but I don't think I've ever written to one...
...your into the eggnog a little early this year no ???
Now, call me a cynic, but this seems a bit convenient, you all of a sudden pitching yourself as a defender of cats. Methinks you made a faux pas and are desperately trying to save face. That's what I think and you don't want to know what Shuggie thinks.
I like the way the Daisy picture I used shows Daisy carefully watching the birds on the branch in my header - I don't just 'throw' this stuff together you know! :)
Thanks Susan, 'Laddie' was very good and his successor 'King' was the most beautiful German Shepherd who I trained very carefully - he 'lived' to hear his little commands and to follow them with military precision - he was a sight-to-behold' was poor old King!
'Patch' on the other hand, was a Springer Spaniel who preferred rolling down hills to carry out his retrieving duty with my father - he would grin apologetically whenever he neglected to do his job - he quickly became a liability so, obviously we kept him around for fifteen great years. :)
Hi Sukie - thank you, it *is* sort of sweet - my thoughts this morning turn to the four, or perhaps five, silent participants in this little story who I never managed to find down at the lake.
It goes to the point at the end of the post, what is sweet one day may seem lest sweet the next, depending on from whence we are looking at it.
Hi Laura - I think I'm good with Daisy. This is comforting, she has some 'strange' friends, you know. :)
Hi Cecilia: 'Stevie' eh? :) I wonder would you ship Stevie, really? 'Not sure.
But, yes, Green clothes would be a requirement. (Brushes his emerald Gabardine waistcoat admiringly). :)
Ah Dave! 'Redemption' is a step far beyond forgiveness... 'don't get me started, eh? :)
Alan: you should write to a cat *immediately* it will benefit you in ways you cannot imagine!
(One finds, these days, that the eggnog is less of a seasonal indulgence.)
Finally (to myself) I do feel that Rod McKuen was peering over my shoulder when I scribbled this post:
Jim: What can I say? You're a cynic. :)
Good for daisy. I did never really like cats but I don't hate them and I too, had saved some kittens before but I am scared of them and I don't want to cuddle them. (sorry daisy).
You have redeemed your eyes before daisy...lol..
I'm sorry you got in Daisy's bad books, but it appears that you are forgiven now.
No more kicking (or almost) any critters!
Jena Isle: I figured, if anyone else was in the business of saving kittens, it would be you! :)
Margaret: It's good to be back. I'm like bloody Snow White now with critters flyin' all round, doing the housework with their brushy little tales and whistling happy tunes.
OH god! :)
How purrfect!
I think all kitties reading this have forgiven you :-)..sweet story.
My daughter has a habit of bringing kittens home from the horse barn for "rescue." The thing is that cats in the horse barn are in no need of it and my house is starting to look like the home of the crazy cat lady. I could send Daisy and Harley a few more friends. - Or start my own cat blog.
Hey, everybody, Ken's not really a monster after all! haha....
Any time I've ever tried to deal with strange kittens I've ended up bleeding. I do it anyway, but I certainly don't recommend it to people who don't like being bitten. Sounds to me like you got lucky, mate.
I best not mention my thoughts on cats then :)
The truth is out, you are actually a big 'softie'. Nice story.
How sweet. I have a cat that I quite like, but to be honest, I'm not mad about animals at all. When I was young, all I wanted was a dog, but I'm just not bothered anymore.
Saying that, the thought of a soaked, bedraggled, mewling kitten in a river definitely awakens the animal lover in me. Awwwwww. Glad you saved the day.
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