It looks like such fun I think I’ll just drop my planned post, reel something off about this off the top of my head, and just play…
You can play too, if you like.
1) List one movie that made you laugh:
I don’t really laugh quite as much as some might think. I tend to appreciate/enjoy the funny bits quietly.
I have to say ‘Jackass The Movie’ made me laugh out loud. When the guy used the toilet in the toilet-shop, that was funny, man!
2) List one movie that made you cry:
‘Philadelphia’. The weirdest thing, this – I really didn’t enjoy the movie. I watched it on video at home. I thought Tom Hank’s was okay but I though he had one deplorable scene with some classical music (which so many people seem to like, what’s that all about??).
Anyway, I got to the final scene with a big ‘Meh’ attitude and that last scene just destroyed me.
I think it was the footage of the central character as a young boy (the same age as my own lad). He was just playing, completely unknowing of the pain and suffering which lay ahead in his adult life.
That ,coupled with Neil Young’s heart-tugging theme song... it made me cry.
Never happened before or since.
3) Name one movie you loved when you were a child:
The Jungle Book.
Need I say more?
4) List one movie you've seen more than once:
Seen tons of movies more than once. I’ve probably seen ‘Body Heat’ more than any other.
Whenever it comes on I cannot not watch.
5) One movie you loved, but were embarrassed to admit it:
I loved ‘South Pacific’.
I didn’t tell my friends.
Oops, just did.
6) One movie you hated:
I hate loads of movies but I prefer to try to find a movie that I hated which lots of other people seemed to rate very highly.
One such clear offender was ‘Chariots of Fire’.
Slow-motion running and Vangelis soundtrack – what’s not to hate?
7) List one movie that scared you:
I don’t really scare too easily either – not at movies anyway.
I never even jumped at ‘Jaws’ while the entire rest of my home town were three foot up in the air.
For this category, I will say ‘Audition’, I was disturbed and surprised but not really scared.
Oh, Oh! Wait. I remember now!
I did jump once at a movie. Would you believe it was ‘A View to a Kill’ – Roger Moore’s Bond swan song (which was quite dreadful).
There was this one point where he was exploring a deserted house and a gratuitous cat jumped out 'MWROWWWR!!'
'Hit the roof, me...
8) List one movie that bored you:
Reds. Wasn’t it just boring though?
9) List one movie that made you happy:
‘Pulp Fiction’ really made me very happy.
I saw it Day One (as I often used to do, back then). The visceral vision and superb quality of the dialogue made me feel genuinely happy inside.
10) List one movie that made you miserable:
‘Jumpers’ just last Friday night.
I watched the credits at the end and gloomily thought ‘how can so many people conspire to make such total crap?’
11) List one movie you thought would be great, but it wasn’t:
The Great Gatsby… wasn’t.
Should’ve been called… ‘Gatsby’.
12) List one movie you weren't brave enough to see:
‘Sex and the City’ just… couldn’t… do it.
13) List one movie character you've fallen in love with:
Rhynn in ‘The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane’.
Well, it was probably really Jodie Foster that I had fallen for. We were the same age, we both had a chipped tooth, she took off her clothes… I thought it could work.
I really really did…
Nice post! Thanks for playing along...I agree with you on a lot of this. I can't stand Chariots of Fire--probably one of the 3 Oscar Winners I really snoozed through. Fell asleep to Vangelis, and the story was very un-inspirational, no matter how you cut it and what everyone else said.
I jump in a lot of movies--definitely jumped during the Cat Scene in the James Bond movie. Some set ups and tension are too good! Wasn't scared, just startled.
And I had the same reaction you did to Pulp Fiction. But I think the Kill Bills were even better. Hey, when it starts with an Ancient Klingon Quotation, you know it's going to be awesome.
I have to do this one. My husband and I used to play a trivia game called NTN in the bars of Toronto when we were courting. We memorized every Oscar winner from 1920-1999 and beyond. Movies are a massive part of our life. We collect both English and foreign films. So, if you're curious, I'll have my answers on my blog tomorrow.
Thanks for breaking your rule, Ken.
I'll play. :)
Movie that....
Made you laugh: Blazing Saddles…for all the wrong reasons. Dad finally took Mom out to see a movie his buddies recommended. She hated the“male” humor and it became a family joke.
Made you cry:
The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez. Not a well known Edward James Olmos film. It was the idea that speaking another language incorrectly, with only a ONE letter difference, led to a man’s death.
You loved as a child: Mary Poppins I wanted to clean my room like that!
You've seen more than once:
It’s A Wonderful Life… okay, I’m a sentimental sap.
You loved, but were embarrassed to admit it:
The very first Star Wars…because at that point, it was different
You hated: The Fountain. Great cast, great premise, weird delivery.
Scared you: Psycho. Saw it in college at a film festival. Hitchcock was a master at drawing you in, then whispering “Boo!” when you least expected it. That shower scene theme raises the hair on the back of my neck faster than the one from Jaws.
Bored you:
Titanic. I’m not a Leo fan.
Made you happy:
Indiana Jones and…. Who doesn’t love an intelligent guy in a fedora who still screws up?
Made you miserable:
Reds…possibly the longest horrible movie in history.
You thought would be great, but it wasn’t:
TIE: Cloverfield and I Am Legend
Weren't brave enough to see:
The Exorcist when I was in high school. I think it was the pea soup thing.
Movie character you've fallen in love with: Can’t narrow it down to one.
Movie that made you cry:
The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez. Not well known Edward James Olmos film. It was the idea that speaking another language incorrectly, with only a ONE letter difference, led to a man’s death.
Movie you loved as a child:
Mary Poppins...I wanted to clean my room like that!
Movie you've seen more than once:
It’s A Wonderful Life…I’m a sentimental sap.
Movie you loved, but were embarrassed to admit it:
The very first Star Wars…because at that point, it was different
One movie you hated: The Fountain. Great cast, great premise, weird delivery
Movie that scared you: Psycho. I saw it in college at a film festival. Hitchcock was a master at drawing you in, then whispering “Boo!” when you least expected it. That shower scene theme raises the hair on the back of my neck faster than the one from Jaws.
Movie that bored you:
Titanic. I’m not a Leo fan.
Movie that made you happy:
Indiana Jones and…. Who doesn’t love an intelligent guy in a fedora who still screws up?
Movie that made you miserable:
Reds…was possibly the longest horrible movie in history.
Movie you thought would be great, but it wasn’t:
TIE: Cloverfield and I Am Legend
Movie you weren't brave enough to see
The Exorcist when I was in high school. I think it was the pea soup thing
Movie character you've fallen in love with: Can’t narrow it down to one.
Body Heat, oh my....if years and miles didn't come between us my dear
scariest movie though, really , haven't you seen anything by Will Ferrell?
So many great screen comedies and you go for Jackass The Movie! I am SO disappointed.
Anyway, this looks fun and I couldn't stop myself dropping what I was doing (which was reading your blog actually) to start my own list. How the hell do you pick one of anything I ask you? I'll probably post it over the weekend.
Ken I do apologize...seems my computer stuttered! Feel free to delete the post if necessary.
You know I call my computer "Jack" for a reason. ;)
Matt: Imagine, you jumped at the JB Cat too... we have *so* much in common!! :)
Kat: consider me officially 'very curious', I'll be around..
Thanks Hope, I primarily remember Edward James Olmos as the man from Blade Runner who proved that Deckard was a replicant (I'm being provocative here) wasn't he also in Miami Vice, constantly looking at the floor and mumbling 'do what you gotta do...' Oh, as for the 'other thing' please don't worry, 'adds charm, I feel. :)
Debbie welcome, welcome again (for the last comment). I can't quite tell if you want to hug me or strangle me for liking 'Body Heat' (a little of both is good!) but it's a wunnerful movie and a great great script by Kasdan.
Now Jimbo, read the rules carefully before you launch! It doesn't say 'list the great screen comedies' it says 'name one that made you laugh'. In my ongoing quest for a modicum of honesty in posts, these type of embarrassing facts will pop up from time to time but I have to keep telling myself that's a good thing.
I look forward to your post!!
Hello Ken, have I committed a faux pas by my question? If I have -I apologize- What I was pointing at is that, sometimes the title of a movie does not really mean that it's also the content. I'm talking about "Sex and the City."
Anyway, I haven't watched the movie myself, so as you have said, better not to...because what if the content matches the title?
Happy blogging.
BTW, my favorite movie of all time is the classic " The Sound of Music". I can watch that movie over and over again...
and "Star Wars" Series 1-6...I marvel at the way the writer had woven the story into each other beautifully and credibly , coupled with the fact that the first three is the prequels to the last three instead of vice versa.
The writer and director is indeed incredibly brilliant.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Jen - if you're referring to an earlier comment - I mustn't have got it? perhaps send it again.
As for Faux pas... you? I just can't imagine it. :)
The Sound of Music is great, my favorite it Edelweiss. I'm going to hum it now...
"The Hills are alive...with the sound of music..."
I love the way Moulin Rouge incorporates that song and the pieces of everything from lady marmalade and the Can Can with Smells Like Teen Spirit, among others...
Yep, Olmos played the Lt. on "Miami Vice". Currently he's the Commander of the soon to be defunct "Battlestar Gallactica".... Not to be confused with the one years ago. Olmos has Loren Greene's part. [But I never could get past Greene as "Pa" on Bonanza.]
I digress, therefore I now shut up. :)
Reading my comment now, I can't believe I have committed those typos..(grins) so sleepy perhaps.
I'm glad there are two of you, who are familiar with "The Sound of Music "...(I thought I was the only one) grins.
I was referring earlier to "Sex and the City". Sometimes, these American Films are "teasers". Their titles are "extremely seductive" but the content is still done in good taste. (Of course there are several hardcore ones that depict the true content, but one can always "know" them by the actors starring in it.
If you are not familiar with the names of the actors, then , in most instances, the title speaks for its content - expect an uncensored movie. (Based on experience?? Not really...he he he..more or less...when the men in the house watched, I happen to have a glance or two..)
I'm sure the scenes in this movie are done in good taste for how else could it find its way to their daily TV series?
I haven't watched it, so I cannot genuinely give a good review. I speak from past titles and movies that I had watched.
Btw, in my first comment, that should read "The first, three prequels ARE..." and "The writer and director ARE.."
,,,,I'm learning the English language.
I hope I'm being candid without being rude.
You always are able to generate an active comment discussion.
My Hats off to you.
Hope, and what a sad day it will be when Battlestar Galactica goes off the air! Probably the best show on television the last couple three years or so....
All...I'm catching up on my comment replies. This is in response to the comment you left on Personal Movie Trivia Meme.
Jnez--thank you so much for the kind words! Next time you stop by could you leave a link to your blog so I can view your site as well? Sheila is one of my best blogging friends. She's truly amazing.
So, you can't believe we're both huge fans of Titanic, eh? Think of it this way...A lot of somebody's had to see the movie a lot of times for it to generate $600 million at the North American Box Office! If there were any movie that two people who don't know each other have in common, it's probably going to be Titanic!
Yours is one of the best comments I've ever had. It's an honor that you consider my blog inspiring and creative. If I can help you in anyway, please don't hesitate to ask.
Roxy--THANK YOU! I can't believe how many Oscars The English Patient won. I remember watching that Oscars Award Show and groaning louder and louder with every new statuette awarded to that film.
Hmmm, The Bodyguard. Now I admit a lot of things that often come back to bite me, but even if I liked The Bodyguard, which I don't, I'd never admit that. Besides, Whitney Houston's cover of Dolly Parton's I Will Always Love You is just as overrated as The English Patient. Dolly Parton's original, from the soundtrack to The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas is SOOOOO much better than Whitney's slick cover version it's not even funny.
Billy--So how is Sigourney Weaver holding up these days. Last I saw her was in the 911 movie For the Guys. Yep, Aliens is scary. It's taken about a dozen viewings, but I can now watch the movie without squirming in my seat and shitting in my pants. Talk about the concept of facing your fears, eh?
I was disappointed with Untraceable--although I really enjoyed the ending where Diane Lane swung herself to freedom. I agree Philip Seymour Hoffman is amazing--one of my favorite roles for him was in The Talented Mr. Ripley.
Thanks for the detailed comment!
Ken--yeah that would be funny....Holding your breath for the "suction" when you're watching it go down safely from a dry seat in a movie theater. If it weren't such a dramatic moment in the movie, I would have laughed out loud seeing my honey do something like that.
I was there yesterday checking out your post. Thanks for honoring the tag--I was hoping you'd be interested in playing along considering our former discussions.
Mariuca--thank you! You know, if it wasn't so damn popular, and if Celine Dion only hadn't almost made a parody of the movie with her heart-thumping performances of the Oscar winning theme song, I think Titanic would have given Kate Winslet the Oscar Win she so deserved. Really, Kate has been incredible in every role she's ever played, but I don't think any role Kate played was as rounded as Rose Dewitt Bukater. I thought it was far better than Angelina Jolie in Girl Interrupted and Hilary Swank in Million Dollar Baby or even Jodie Foster in Silence of the Lambs. I'm not a huge Leonardo fan, but like everyone said at the time, he should have been nominated as well. Phenomenal cast and every other Oscar awarded that year except for the shutout in the acting category--just like The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.
Great movie, well-deserving of the love of movie-goers.
Gratcia and Henson--looking forward to your posts.
I thought I might have a go at this but...it's really hard to know what to pick! It might take me a few months to sort out choices...see you in a while!
I like the way you did it...trying to avoid the 'cool' answer can be tricky but is always more satisfying. I had to do a list of favourite things, influences etc. a while back and I forced myself to be honest not list stuff I might want people to think I liked! It was an interesting process...I found myself even mentioning Benny Hill at one point...see South Pacific doesn't sound so bad now does it!!
See you in a few months...
Just for informational purposes for those of you who haven't had to live with the American hype of "Sex and The City."
This was a t.v. show on cable [networks would never show that much skin] about 4 single women and their love lives. But instead of pretty and romantic, it was more down and dirty shall we say. The ugly truth about relationships from the female perspective, as well as the highs. And lots of fashion and shoes...shoes ad nauseum! It was one of those things you either loved or hated. Watched a couple of times. Whining women in the city didn't interest me.
The show ended about 4 years ago and after some in house bickering between stars, they made the movie which was suppose to have come at the conclusion of the series.
Truthfully, I think if falls into the category of much ado about nothing. My hubby is one of the happiest in America because I have absolutely no interest in seeing that film.
I remember my first experience of 'Sex and the City' was a guy coming into work and saying "did you see the new American sit-com last night, I cannot *believe* the language they used!"
(and, believe me, we were not shrinking violets in that office)
It was very surprising to see a U.S.-generated show produce such graphic content but, of course, it was Cable and thank heavens for Cable or else we could never have got the wonderful Sopranos.
DO, please, have a go, Rachel. I know you will bring the correct level of honestly to the exercise - not like Jim who will probably try to convince us how he wept openly at the Odessa-steps scene in Sergei M. Eisenstein's Battleship Potemkin... or some such thing. :)
I wept openly during the staircase scene in Naked Gun 33⅓: The Final Insult. I've never seen Battleship Potemkin. What kind of guy do you think I am?
I think you're a guy with a great sense of humour, that's what I think!
Well...I spent some time this morning on it when I should have been getting ready for family day of activities...so I'm off just now to go and post it.
I didn't put any of the 'Airplane' movies now you mention it...but they really are funny. Chicken or the fish...surely, don't call me surely...and on and on and on...
This Bud's For You, Mate!
Top of the World
Okay, I just found your blog today through Entrecard. Thanks for dropping me a card. But you have just blown me away. Pulp Fiction made you happy. A man got raped in that movie. A woman zonked out on drugs and had to be given an injection and CPR. And the girl Bruce Willis rode off with in the end was a total flake. Where was the happiness? I must have missed it. Or am I thinking of the wrong movie?
Welcome Kelli, it's an excellent point and I'm really glad you made it.
In doing this 'movies questions' meme, I resolved to answer as truthfully as I can, knowing full well that those answers might not show me off in the best light possible. Your comment is validation for me that I have at least somewhat succeeded.
Anyway, here's my answer:
I didn't achieve happiness through the violence or graphic content of 'Pulp Fiction'. I am a writer (primarily of plays but of screenplays too) and it was mostly the quality of the writing which made me high. The skewed narrative, the funky dialogue, how 'different' it seemed at that time to so much of what had gone before.
Again being honest with you, some of the more extreme plot twists delighted me too and these are inextricably linked with the more violent and potentially-offensive moments in the film. When the guy got shot in the car, I admired the unexpected nature of that event and the way it turned the narrative in a different direction. I was kept on my toes and engaged.
That doesn't mean I enjoyed or relished seeing the person get shot, I enjoyed what his getting shot did to the story.
I hope that goes a little way towards answering the point. Do feel free to come back at me on it if you wish.
"The Little Girl That Lived Down the Lane" utterly terrified me as a child. Wow! I'd forgotten about that one in the list of movies my older brothers used to make me watch when I was a little girl!
Okay, I posted this on Matt's site but here's another example of how movies are viewed. I'm willing to go out on a limb and say some were picked for "artistic" value over sheer entertainment.
"Entertainment Weekly" just came out with an issue of "New Classics" from the last 25 years: it includes movies, t.v., books and music. In reverse order here are their Top Ten movies.
10. Moulin Rouge
9. Die Hard
8. Silence of the Lambs
7. Hannah & Her Sisters
6. Saving Private Ryan
5. Toy Story
4. Blue Velvet
3. Titanic
2. Lord of the Rings Trilogy
1. Pulp Fiction
I actually cried when I watched Philadelphia. It was heartbreaking and well, I love Tom Hanks :)
More comments for you, Ken! Came here from Entrecard's comment bomb :)
I just don't understand movies like "Jackass, the Movie" at all. I don't think they are funny in the least. Agreed with a lot of your other choices though. "Reds" was probably one of the worst over-hyped movies in history. Hollywood at its most self-indulgent.
You were chosen to be Entrecard Comment Bombed! But the link to the correct post failed. So I'm Bombing you here!
The Movie that Made me Cry? Spaceballs, When Pricess Vespa almost had to leave behind here matched luggage.
The movie that Scared me? Spaceballs, whenever Dark Helmet aimed his ring!
The Movie that made me cry? Spaceballs, when Princess vespa Married Lonestar in the end after he found out that he was a prince.
The movie that made me Laugh? Spaceballs, Dink Dink, Dink Dink Dink Dink Dink Dink.
The Movie that I can watch over and over again? Mrs. Doubtfire...Opps, Not THAT movie! Umm... Spaceballs again! I can't get enough of that Perri-air!
... When I was a child, I had to go for fun: computer games then dad would make me sit and watch the movies and tv, the whole day.
... Now I want to go to watch the tv and movies, I have to sit in computer and press the keys: the whole day.
I remember that I had watched "Titanic" with no-brakes in between.
I am waiting for "Jones", and will be taking 6 brakes...
and then add the scenes in some leisure and enjoy.
Thanks for the explanation, Ken. I understand now. You watched the movie through the eyes of an artist - an ardent writer. I obviously did not. When I saw that movie, writing was the furthest thing from my mind, which is sort of ironic. At that time, I had gone back to school to get a teaching certificate in English and was up to my neck in writing and literature courses. But my focus was not on fulfilling my lifelong desire to write. It was on getting a better paying job for my little family to survive. I guess the only thing I appreciated about the movie is that it had real shock value for the time. I suppose I should add it to my list of movies that I need to watch again, but I really don't want to. I'll just take your word for it that it really had some redeeming qualities. OK?
Having a Royale with cheese with an extra large Sprite while I read this blog. Maybe I will have a $5 milkshake later.
Thanks for that very nice reply 'Indy', I would not like to cause *too* much offense with my movie opinions.
Nonetheless, I very much welcome your honest response to my choices and I think I learned something from it.
Kevin: Can I have a sip of that milkshake... 'never had a five dollar milkshake.
Great answers! I can't believe you didn't jump in any of the "Jaws" movies. I totally jumped even after rewatching it! LOL! Oh My Goodness, Moulin Rouge gave me a terrible headache! I had to turn it off. I am happy you explained the Pulp Fiction also. I kind of scritched my head when I read that it made you happy. It was a magnificant movie though. I think my favorite movie thus far has been Hocus Pocus!
;-) I love All Hallow's Eve and this is one I watch every single year...with a bowl of popcorn on my lap. The movie I love and can watch over and over is "Stealing Heaven". It is a true story about two lovers, Eloise and Aberhard (sp?), he was a Christian teacher and she the neice of a pontiff. I don't know if you have ever seen it, but it is very moving. Till this day people from all over the world visit their grave site.
Fun Post Ken!
Hi Kimmie, becuase I didn't jump at Jaws when the head popped out, I was better able to enjoy everybody else ascending - it was such fun to see.
I am thinking that you are a people watcher! ;-) My Dad was one and he loved to sit for hours and watch people. Also, he enjoyed watching reactions when he would watch something funny on video or dvd and then watch it again with us. He was such a great man, he passed on May 5th of this year. I miss him so.
Thank You for the comment back. You are a very nice guy. :-)
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