It’s early Sunday morning and there’s a helicopter circling the house. It’s getting ready to land at the hospital over the way.
It’s not
for me. I’m bad… but not that bad.
through the virtual pages of the darned blog, all the way back to 2008, and you
will find little or no mention of me being sick. There is a highly technical
reason for this – I’m a jammy git. Although my childhood and early teens had
some minor bits and pieces, the adult part of my 58 years have been amazingly
sickness-free. I got Chickenpox back in ’97 and I… nope that’s it. I’m fairly sure
that the remainder of the latter third of my life might not run so smoothly but
it’s good to acknowledge that I’ve been lucky thus far.
This week,
my luck ran out a little… but only a very little. As I said, the helicopter is
not for me, and I sent wishes of recovery and wellness to whoever it is for.
This week,
I caught a ‘thing’. I’m not sure what to call it but we’ll get to that in a short
minute. The first hint of anything being off came at about lunchtime last
Monday when I noticed I had a headache. “Damn”, I thought, “This thing I’m
trying to do must be really annoying me, it’s given me a sore brain.” I
struggled through with it until about five, when I noticed that it had got
considerably worse. I procured some pills. They didn’t have any of the blue box
ones, so I got some green box ones, which allegedly work faster, and a bottle
of still water. That steadied things though I fell asleep during University Challenge,
which is never a positive sign.
By Tuesday
morning, it had all kicked off. High temperature, headache, backache, front
ache, side ache, cough. “I know what this is,” I said, “I keep up with the
news.” So, I removed myself from Society and booked a PCR test.
Two years
into the Pandemic and this was my very first PCR test. Oh, I’ve done my share
of Antigens, but I’d never had any cause to roll up and get professionally ‘done’
so to speak. I won’t write my way through the process because you will all know
as much about it (and more) than I do. I will just say three things about it.
1) It was an incredibly smooth, friendly and efficient set up, carried out by
people who were working very hard to make it right. 2) As I waited in my car,
the man in the car next to me took off his mask and rolled down his side
window, clearly in the mood for a chat, even though he was only two feet away from
me. I politely declined, as much for his safety as for mine. 3) I didn’t have
So, if I
didn’t have COVID, what in blazes did I have? In my opinion, I have never in my
life had Flu. My knowledge of Flu is that it is a serious thing and if you have
it, you have no doubt you have it. I’ve had colds, like the next man, and
sometimes people call them flu. But not me. If you’re on your feet and
operational, it’s not Flu. But I had something, and it was no joke.
In the day
it took for me to get my PCR result, I obviously stayed at home and eschewed
all human contact. I tried to work but fell asleep, drooling, on my keyboard (join
the queue, ladies). So, I repaired to the couch and fell asleep in front of a
boxset instead.
I got my COVID
clearance at about noon on Wednesday and so I went to work in the afternoon. I
know, I know. Bed. Hot drinks. Sleep. My temp was still buzzing in the upper 38’s
and I should have been back on the couch, at least.
But we’re
made of two parts. Mind and Body. And my mind does not often give my body licence
to lay down. Even the day before, prone on the couch, my mind was full of the
things I needed to be doing. How behind I was going to be. By the time I was
cleared of you-know-what, my mind could take it no longer. Even if I was only
getting a little bit done, I was still chipping away at the block. It helped my
head to get those little things done, even if the other half of me wasn’t doing
so good.
I worked through
the rest of the week. Not very efficiently, to be honest, but I defend the
decision to do so. I arrived at the weekend with a feeling that I was not as behind
as I would have been if I’d stayed in bed and was I any sicker for not having
done so? I don’t think so.
evening was a reprieve in all symptoms, so we went out to a thing we both
wanted to see. It was outdoors and we saw friends there and had a laugh for an
hour and heard some lovely music and then went home.
was back to shitty again. I had some chores to do, and it was a shuffling grind
to get through them. But I made it to the couch for the Rugby so that was all
morning and the helicopter’s just buzzed off again. I feel bleary and achy and
tight in the chest. I’m not quite done with this puppy yet.
Ask me what
I have. I think I have the Flu. This was too much to be called a cold and, yes,
I walked around with it and got some things done but it was a grim struggle,
and I only did it to shut my head up.
Call me a
fool. I guess I am.
Just don’t
tell me this was only a cold.
sounds like flu Ken. In 2015 I missed annual jab. Jan 2016, mother & brother had 'headcolds', Then I got it, symptoms you mention, kept going as I was carer for Mam, After a week it was lurking but felt better. Then end of 2nd week it hit really hard, bad cough, temp, hard to breathe, very weak. I watched 'Funeral in Berlin ' on tv & twice during film the coiughing fits made me black out for a few seconds. I went to doc next day & suitably pilled upwas ok by end of week, in the time I had it I lost 15kg, & appetite didn't return for a while. If your one persists Ken might be no harm to see the doc. Hopefully it won't & you'll be fine, but that Sligo saying'just in case' Take care Ken
Fell better soon and take of yourself
Anyone who says they’ve had a “touch” of the flu has never had the flu. I had the flu once, it floored me for a week and I’m convinced brought on my third period of depression. (Post-viral depression is a thing apparently.) I thought it’d be like a bad cold but a runny nose was the least of my problems. I was bedridden for the whole week and SO down SO suddenly. I’d no idea what’d hit me. I have a flu shot every time I’m offered one now. And the idea of “flurona” just scares the pants off of me.
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