What template did you use?
My cousin loves your site the most.
Your humour’s what I choose.
(Spammy love is all I know
Ever since you had to go)
Your photos make my heart swell up.
Your prose just makes me cry.
Your formatting is just the best.
Your standards are so high.
(Spammy love is all I see
Ever since you went on me)
Lose pounds in days.
Lose pounds in weeks.
Lose pounds in minutes flat.
(Ever since you went away
I get a lot of that.)
You’re just the best I’ve ever seen.
My family think so too.
We’re here in deepest Internet
And deeply loving you.
(Spammy love is all I know
Ever since you had to go)
You've made me laugh for the first time in two days! Thank you! K
"Lose pounds in minutes flat" - Oh, don't I know it. Shoes.
(This is ace, by the way. Very ace. Big smiles.)
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