Guessing Game

Over dinner, George Michael was on the radio singing 'Somebody to Love' with Queen.

I said to my two young men, "This was originally sung by somebody else, do you know who it was?"

The eldest (12) said, "Was it that guy with no shirt?"

"That's right," I said, "What was his name?"

Big blank.

"I'll give you a clue. His first name was Freddie and his second name is also the name of a planet."

The younger (7) thinks a bit then pipes up...

"Was it 'Freddie Uranus'?"

I think Freddie might have quite liked that.


Beth said...

LOL Exactly how does a dad explain to the 12 year old about Uranus? Don't scar the kid for life!

Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoy moderating this! Uranus
Hm. Did you ever hear de Dannan's
version of the Bohemian Rhapsody
thing? Quite good. 'Switched on Bach',
produced around 1975*, was also a good
'cover' job: Bach done entirely on a
Moog. Highly recommended. Will now
get off this site (4.05am, 29th). Find
writing panes on blogs using a mobile
very awkward. Billtweet.
*May even have been 1968.

K. said...

I take it that that is a different song than the Jefferson Airplane's "Somebody to Love" (here).

Lyndi said...

He most probably would have written a song about it.

Laura Brown said...

Next thing Uranus won't be a planet either. Poor Pluto.

We are the Champions. :)

Rachel Fox said...

And so the sense of humour is passed on from generation to generation...

Ken Armstrong said...

Beth: There's tougher explainin' than that to do. :(

William: Thanks for taking the trouble - on a mobile, no less. I have a faint memory of that De Dannan thing - I must look it up. 'Around 1975, might be 1968' - should I be worried about this? :)

K: It is a different one, yes. That was *so* interesting - I had said to myself, 'I don't know any other songs by that name' and then, of course, I did. A good song too. Thanks. :)

Lyndi: Yes! :) Boy-Hemion Rhapsody perhaps... I'll get my coat.

Laura: Poor Pluto. Did they mot reinstate it as a planet? 'Thought I heard something...

Rachel: We live in hope. A sense of humour may well be a pre-requisite to survival in decades to come...

jena isle said...

I thought it was Mars, blog hopping.

hope said...

I now have hope for future generations...I feared all sense of humor [even unintended] might be left by the wayside.

Thanks for making me giggle on an otherwise giggle free day.

Penny said...

That post was short and very sweet!!

Susan at Stony River said...

That's a good one, and at dinner? Did you spit your Coke all over him? LOL

Fiendish said...

How could anyone despair for the future with kids like yours around? They're such great boys.

And I love this story. :)

Beth said...

Ken, do you want Auntie Beth from the US to explain things to him? I'm good with kids. No-I'm being serious, I'm good with kids, but never would I know how to even approach Uranus.

And that so came out wrong, but I'm leaving it.

Matthew S. Urdan said...

I'll take Freddie Mercury for 200, Alex.

Matthew S. Urdan said...

FYI, Anne Hathaway sang "Somebody to Love" in Ella Enchanted. What an amazing voice she has.

Matthew S. Urdan said...

Reese said...

funny and strangely appropriate! lol

Dave King said...

I'm sure he would have liked it, but the interesting question is whether or not your 12year old knew what he was saying.

Ken Armstrong said...

Hey!! I did a whole comment thing here the other day and now it's gone. Matt, Dave, Fiendish, Susan, Penny, Hope and Jena - I said such nice things too. Who moderates this place??

Jim Murdoch said...

When my daughter was a little girl, probably about five, we were watching TV and The Beatles came on and I asked her, "Do you know who they are?" to which she replied, "Of course, Daddy - it's The Monkees."

Wilmaryad said...

Vicious! LOL

McGuire said...

Butt of the joke.
