I’ve never been what you might want to call a great critic. But, whatever limited facility I might have once had for that kind of thing, now seems to be getting less, less and, yes, less. These days, I tend to either ‘like’ things or ‘not like’ them and, interesting enough, I tend to ‘like’ quite a lot of things. These days, as a critic, and I hope you’ll pardon this expression, I tend to be something of an easy lay.
Maybe this is not such a new development. Even when I was in
college, and we were required to be incisive and judgemental about
architectural stuff, me, and a pal of mine just tended to default to the view
that either something was ‘Nice’ or it ‘Wasn’t Nice.’ I think our blatant use
of this rather simplistic critical technique was only forgivable because we
tended to do it a slightly ironic way, as if we intended to imply that all
criticism was tosh and we were too big to even play that game. This wasn’t the
case - we were actually just useless - but I think we mostly got away with it. We’re still here, anyway.
So why is this in my mind in this week of all weeks? Well,
there’s a couple of reasons. One reason is that I met two very good friends of mine at different
times in the last week. These are people whose critical antennae and very
finely tuned and to hear them expound on whatever is currently under discussion
is invariably to see that thing anew from some other angles and, also
invariably, to learn a thing-or-two that one did not know before. So, while I
would throw in my tuppence-worth about how the thing was ‘nice’ and ‘good’ and
that I rather 'liked' it, my wonderful friends would engage me and enlighten me
with their ever-incisive views.
Another reason that this kind of stuff is in my head is on account of a review of ‘The Banshees of Inisherin’ that appeared this week. The review appeared in Slate Magazine and it was written by Marc O’Connell, himself no slouch in the writing department. It gained some considerable traction on Twitter and that’s where I saw it and read it. Reading it got me thinking about criticism and how I’m not any good at it.
This review, in my considered opinion, is very good (There’s that critical thinking). If you care to click on the title of the film in the first sentence of the last paragraph, you can read the review for yourself. I recommend you do. It's very good. (Um). I said hello to Mark O’Connell quite recently, after he introduced Sally Rooney at her T.S. Elliot Abbey Theatre lecture on Ulysses. I think he might have thought I was about to try to bum one of his rollies because we didn’t get much further than that on the evening. Nonetheless and regardless, he is an admirable writer and his critique of ‘Banshees’ is insightful and finely-formed. I may not 100% agree with everything in it and I’m sure he’d be cool with that, in the unlikely event that he was even slightly bothered about what I might think.
For me, for all
the well-made points, it doesn’t quite credit McDonagh with being the very good
writer he certainly is. Perhaps that’s not the point, perhaps the point is what
is written rather than how good the writer is. I don’t know. There is much I
don’t know and the art of criticism seems to show up these chasms more than most other
As for me, I went to see ‘Banshees’ and I liked it pretty
darned well… It’s not much of a review is it? Not a terrible insightful
analysis. You fucking liked it? Is that it?
This kind of internal dialogue makes me try to think a
little harder about the film. What did I really think? Come on, Ken. Suppose
the fact you liked it simply wasn't good enough? Suppose it didn't cut the mustard? Tell us
something more. Delight us.
I liked it...
I liked it initially because I liked the trailer, which set me up for a
rematch of In Bruges', which I really liked. It set me up for more of the sharp,
quirky dialogue, devil-may-care incorrectness, and edge of the seat unease that
I experienced in both ‘In Bruges’ and in ‘Three Billboards’ too. Perhaps 'Banshees' didn’t deliver on the trailer as thoroughly as I might have liked but it still did plenty. The cast were great, the story had a coherence, the script, as one
would expect, was deft and skilfully wrought. The scenery was lovely and… let’s stop and take a personal moment with the scenery.
One Summer’s Day, my friend Simon Ricketts came all the way from London to visit me in Mayo, where I live. The little excursion we made, that wonderful day, took us through much of the scenery in which ‘Banshees’ is set. We stood against the sky and the sea, as Colin and Brendan did, and he and I drew air and cigarette smoke into our respective lungs. We talked and gossiped and 'politicked’ and looked… and we didn’t fall out. Simon isn’t with us anymore and that day plays large in my memory. To see those places up on the screen, there to be admired and envied worldwide… that rather did me a good turn.
I realise that's a little beside the point of criticism but
perhaps that’s what criticism can sometimes be: the deeply personal injected into the
deeply impersonal.
McDonagh gets some stick for writing in his heightened Irish
dialect. This criticism harks back to his theatre plays, which is understandable
as the film is very much a part of that earlier 'oeuvre'. But he has also shown that he
can set his stories elsewhere and that he can tell them in other voices just as well. Except of course
the people from those other places tend to take issue with his subverting of their
language and culture too. I would be disappointed if he ever apologies for
this and I would eat my hat if he ever did. His work is, by its very nature, ‘heightened.’ Heightened in practically every respect; action, interaction,
morality, dialogue, simplicity, complication. Everything is bigger than in real
life and so it’s never going to seem real or authentic. He has to go somewhere
to do this, why not here in the West of Ireland? Somewhere inside me, I've always viewed Mcdonagh's work as owning much to cartoons. Smart and adult but, yes, cartoons. I welcome the entertaining
‘cartooning’ of us. Please just don’t mistake it for real life. John Wayne wasn’t really a
Wild West cowboy and neither are we.
I think Martin McDonagh is, technically, a writer of great skill. He creates gripping, engaging, shocking, funny stories and he realises them well. I rather think he gets more ‘Art’ imposed on him than he ever intended to garner and I imagine that amuses him and drives him onward to his next escapade. Write a fine script, throw in a little artistic existentialism, pepper the stew with a few Civil War bangs and crashes. The chattering classes will almost certainly come lowing… and they do.
I think he loves a great story, a great film, a great
experience. I don’t think he’s bothered all that much about being the next Leonardo da Vinci. I think he's just looking to make a great flick.
Isn't this what all artists do? They don’t set out to
make a masterpiece or to save the world. They just do the work that they are
driven to do, for whatever reason. And the world and the people and time and
history will decide if that thing they ended up making is of incalculable value or
whether it is just another piece of landfill.
That's probably the best I can personally do. Not very good. But I
do respect the people who can delve deeper and mine levels of success or
failure that I, on my own, would simply never have found.
I did rather like it though… didn’t you?
1 comment:
I've not see the film but I was already curious. The only review I've read tipped the hat towards Beckett but I take that with a pinch of salt. Any time you get two squabbling Irish men you can't not think of Beckett. I watched the trailer. I don't remember a damn thing about it but maybe I watched it with the sound off; I have a habit of doing that. Anyway you've repiqued my interest. So thank you for that. I have watched both films you mentioned. I preferred "Billboards" but they were both more than watchable. Always a plus these days.
I get what you'e saying about critics though. I don't like the word. "Reviewers" is better. Maybe we need a new word, a prosanconser. Yeah, well, best I can come up with at half one in the morning. Most of the things I like I like for no good reason that I can think of. Because. As kids we were told "because" wasn't a reason but liking is an emotional response; it isn't big on reasoning.
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