Claire on Twitter (@Novembervivi) tweeted to me last night that she was worried about the fish in the dark parts of the sea.
It was apropos of something else so not as random as it may sound here. The thought resonated in my head. I thought there might be one of my crap song lyrics in it.
So here it is.
Thanks Claire. :)
(Anyone got a tune?)
Dark Parts of the Sea
I worry for the fish
In the dark parts of the sea
How do they find their way about
How did they come to be
I wonder are they lonely
I wonder do they frown
Alone there in their icy lair
Eight thousand metres down
Are they always rather anxious
Do their jaws ever unclench
In the unremitting blackness
Of the Mariana Trench
I worry for the fish
In the dark parts of the sea
They remind me of the way we are
You and you and me.
(September 2017)
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