Premiere Night Approaches...

So my new play 'Midnight in the Theatre of Blood' gets its premiere in my favourite place - The Linenhall Theatre, Castlebar on Tuesday night (26th Feb 2008).

We spent much of today on rehearsals, 'Full Dress', 'Top and Tail' and 'Jurassic' (I only made one of those rehearsals-names up).

We have a super cast, great director and an 'all-right' writer. We also have two sold-out shows, which is dead-nice-really.

I'll be a nervous ball of grey belly-button-fluff for the next two days but that's part of the fun.

I just keep thinking, how lucky am I to have people who will committ to take on my plays, learn them, do them and make them better and better by selflessly adding their own expertise in to them.

Yup, I'm a lucky dude all right. Wish me luck though, we all need a little luck..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck - you don't need it but good luck anyway :D